Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Wrestling Match

We got the message this afternoon that our grandson was again wrestling in the finals of the middle school matches. Having a full evening planned, we had to make some hasty decisions. Like all grandparents, we made the decision thinking of the kids, not our comfort. I rushed home from the hair cut. The Big D cancelled his appointments and walked Dave, played with him and gave him some quality time. Then it was time to take off, run by McD's and head south to the meet.

We missed the first round, but got there in time to watch several other matches. We sat in the middle of Columbia City's Indian Village group. They were loud, proud and excited. Their team was winning by a large number! It was fun to watch their boys compete. Finally, it was time for weight 130 and Ty! He was trying for 5th place. He was in the far ring. He was ready to go. We watched and yelled and held our breath. Was it going to go into overtime? No, he ended up losing 7 to 10, but it was a great match. For his first time to be in this sport, we felt he did a good job! Congratulations, Ty on doing your personal best this year!

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