Saturday, May 12, 2012

Flowers Are Ready For Summer!

The flowers on the deck are awesome!
This weekend was spent buying flowers and working in our yard. We always wait until Mothers' Day weekend to put our flowers out, thinking the frost is surely done by now!
So, I took Friday off to do some personal business...flower business! 

We started out at our favorite greenhouse north of Leo and bought most of our flowers there.
The flowers were awesome. We were lucky enough to get what we wanted. We even tried something new thanks to one of the workers. I haven't had much luck with the impatients for the last few years. I know that where I put them is just too sunny, but I really like them there so I keep trying.  This year we put in wave ones. We were assured that these flowers stand up straighter than other colors so I should get the height I want in that spot!  We'll see.
This is the south flower bed
We got the normal things for below the deck. I like the blue bedding plants that make the outside border. I add the wave petunias in a variety of shades of pink. Last of all, I put marigolds along the edge of the deck to keep those rabbits out. There are two sides I do almost exactly alike with this combo. I also did four pots of flowers for the deck. Those were full of two types of the waves again. Now I can just sit back and enjoy them. Oh, yes, there is the watering and weeding, isn't there?

This is the north flower bed                      

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