Friday, October 17, 2008


  1. This week I was in three schools. Everywhere I went I came upon the same issue. Teachers are overwhelmed already and it is just ending the first quarter of the school year. When I talk to experienced master teachers and they say things like, "This is the worst it has ever been." I wonder what is going on here. I feel my job again is to support these hard working educators. They have such a heart for kids and yet they feel like their whole life is turning into school work. They need to have a life outside of school, too. I just hope I can continue to make their life easier to do what they do for our children.
  2. Today was a crazy day at the office. I had so much work to do in just catching up on things I was doing for teachers. I ran off packets for a 5th grade teacher, so she could use it with her kiddos who are at a 1st grade level in reading. I scheduled next week's lessons with another school. I answered questions from other teachers who had to know what the right answer was to things that are constantly changing. Then we, the facilitators had some time to work on projects and ask Natalie, our go-to-boss, things we did not know how to answer. Still the time together to just be with these friends was wonderfully relaxing. We laughed until we cried, we talked about our week, and we shared the news of Judi's new grandson in Wisconsin. It was a great time.
  3. On Wednesday night after an afternoon of being in a principals' meeting, I came home to having supper brought in and our newest grandchild visiting. Audrey came with her mom and dad and pizza! We had a fun night holding and talking to her. She is so alert now and watches everything. She loved touching Oliver and he let her. We couldn't believe how much she had changed in such a short time.
  4. Tomorrow Beth and Todd take off for Florida and Disney World. They have been saving and planning for this trip for a long time. Kiann got excused from school and will be able to go with them. Todd said he knows he will come home more tired than when he left because they have to fill every minute while they are there. Me, I get to check in on Alex, the kitten. He will be lonely without them at home so it is my job to check and be sure he hasn't done any damage. He is so ornery, I don't know how we will get along! They go to Florida and I take care of the cat. What's wrong with this picture?

Hope you all had a wonderful week, too!


Sarah Amick said...

You know continually this year I am having to tell myself to just get through the "stuff" that has to be done and really focus on my students. It's overwhelming this year the amount of "crap" that we are having to do for BSC, Acuity, DIBELS, TRC, etc. Students are being way over tested. I know that these measures are mostly from the state or federal but they are totally changing the amount of instructiion time we have in the classroom. Not going to get ahead academically if we don't have instruction time. Something's got to give...

Kathy Douglas said...

You are right, it is mostly for the state and they think it is best for kids. I know it is to drive instruction and tell you where your kids are so you can then work with what they need. This is all good, but every thing in moderation! Carl did say when I was with him lsst, that NYC tests 25 times a year. It is not just in Indiana!