Sunday, March 1, 2009


Here's my first posting answering the challenge of The Two Writing Teachers.
Walking groggily into the kitchen this Sunday morning, my husband greeted me with: "We are all set for the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta this summer. I sent in the applications and $60 for the registration!" Talk about something changing you life in an instant!
Yes, we have done this six-mile race on July 4th for about 15 years. Yes, we did talk about it before he sent it in. Yes, it is something that I NEED to do. Still, now I am committed to begin running so I am ready for the race. As I look out my window at the cold, still winter sky, I wonder if I can be ready by July 4th to run six miles. I know I have done it in the past, but I am over 60 now...that makes a difference.
Still as the clouds fill the light blue sky with threats of rain or even snow, I am visualizing, hoping, dreaming of the days ahead when the sun will be blazing and I will be wishing for a day like today. A day to have a cooler breeze in order to have a more comfortable run.
I won't start training today. I will start thinking about training today. I am making the commitment and preparing my mind, if not my body, for the challenge that lies ahead.
July 4, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia


  1. It's so neat to read everyone's Slices from Sunday morning... they're all so different. Love the racing component of yours.

    Glad you're in Kathy!

  2. I don't know about you but it takes actually signing up for a race to get me in gear. Enjoy your training.

  3. I have tried to be a runner in the past and a few years ago I finally admitted that I am a walker, not a runner. But I am sort of envious of those of you who do run. Having a race to look toward must be a huge motivator!

  4. Best of luck training for the race.

  5. I love that you say you'll start thinking about running today! It makes perfect sense, getting yourself mentally prepared for the work ahead. I'm impressed by your goal. I'm far from 60, and I'm absolutely certain I could never run 6 miles! Good luck with the start of your training routine.

  6. I want to join the welcoming committee. I loved the challenge last year and now your are taking on two. BRAVO!
    I started my adult exercise life with a pair of running shoes and a mile mapped through my town.

    Challenges keep us healthy, don't you think?
