Thursday, June 14, 2007


Many of you have been talking about looking at little things in nature and viewing them with fresh eyes. For the past week I've been walking in a part of our addition that isn't developed yet. It doesn't have sidewalks, paved roads or even a resemblance of houses to come. I love that area.

Right in the middle of it is a pond. You can't see it until you get off the beaten path a ways. The first day I visited it, there were mounds of dirt that a builder deposited. I think they were trying to level the ground and get rid of a big dip so the houses would eventually be on an even plain. The next day the mounds were leveled.

Each day as I stand in silence and gaze over the still water of the pond, I view birds of all types. There are ducks and geese but mostly killdeer.

Those strange long legged birds chirp and get close to you and then stiff-leggedly walk away. They are trying to get you to get you away from their nests. Without a doubt there are nests somewhere near the pond...somewhere near the mounds...somewhere near the dirt. Those birds do not want people around or mounds or dirt.

Yesterday as I entered the opening to visit my pond, there was a message written in the lose powdery dirt. I think it said, "Stay away from our nests!" It looked like cursive writing all done in bird tracks. They were wound around, over and under. Just like a message.

Tonight I'll visit again. I can't stay away. I love the quietness with just silly bird chirps, insect screeches and powdery messages written in the dirt.


  1. Don't you love places that only you can feel? I have a place like that on my walk with Louie. He and I watch the redwing blackbirds. I am still trying to capture the sound they make in words. It is so distint. I wonder what their saying? Nature is my favorite thing.

  2. You've been tagged. check out my blog.,

  3. I love sitting on my back porch and listening to the cornfields at night. It is so calming....

  4. Hey Kathy, you mentioned Poetry Friday on kirsten's blog. Did you know that The simple and the ordinary. I think you can reach it through my post is hosting poetry friday round up. We post and then link through there and all the world can see the poetry friday at our post. It should be a lot of fun.
    Also, did you see that kay harman from glennwood park left a comment and wants to get in on the book reads that we are doing this summer. We'll be sure to give her a call.
    We did miss you today. It was very inspiring!!!!!!

  5. My coveted natural place is the beach. Any beach. Give me sand, sun, and the sound of crashing waves and I am a stress free and calm as a clam.

  6. Speaking of killdeer. You mentioned that they came up to you and would chirp. I had a family of them in my backyard last year. They were so much fun to watch. They are so brazen. They'd walk right up to me screeching and squawking. Then they'd run in another directin and spin. They'd act like their wing was broken to get the "prey" (me) away from the nest. They are suck quirky birds!
